The purpose of the El Dorado Main Street Program is to enhance our downtown identity and heritage, to foster a center of activity for both business and recreation and to ensure economic stability for the heart of El Dorado through concentrated efforts of design, promotion, organization and economic revitalization.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Notice Something a Little Different??

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Whew! A good evaluation from Kansas Main Street!
Yesterday, Jeanne Stinson, the State Director for Kansas Main Street was in El Dorado for our annual evaluation. By receiving reports from committees, surveys from business owners, and taking a good look at our work-plans and budget; she praises the organization on accomplishments and also guides us to correct other aspects of the duties. This is always an evaluation that we anticipate and look forward to receiving guidance from our State Director. 2010 was a year that she saw many good things happening and then she also had some suggestions as to improving others.
She started by revealing some of the survey responses that she had received from local businesses. These surveys had 5 questions/statements to “agree, needs improvement, or disagree” with. The area that we are most proud of is the last statement “Main Street had a direct impact on the physical appearance of the downtown district”. This question was unanimously answered that they agree with this statement. Our Design Committee is one of the organization’s hardest working committees. With this response on the survey, they should be very proud. This also shows that the businesses and the community are seeing our efforts to improve the visual aspects of the downtown. The questions that were not as favorable were those that could be improved with better communication to the community and downtown businesses. These surveys are great tools for the organization to see where we stand within the community.
Jeanne asked us to look more externally for setting our goals. She thought that we were very focused internally and now needed to set goals that would be considered outside of the organization. She instructed the committees to be more specific with our objectives instead of creating very broad work-plans and commitments. She praised us on our accomplishments such as current code enforcement changes which was because of relationships with the City and also on the growing number of volunteers that we have for our committees.
Jeanne gave us great ideas and encouraged a board retreat in the near future to make more specific objectives and to do additional training of board members. El Dorado Main Street is a part of Kansas Main Street which is through the Kansas Department of Commerce. Because of this, we have great guidelines to work by and leadership resources that are not available to most organizations. If you have more questions or would like to see a copy of the entire State Evaluation, please call me at 321-3088.
Friday, October 1, 2010
We learned to knit in Downtown El Dorado!!
Okay so I have to admit, when Laura Spradlin owner of Sugar Bunny Blvd, came to me last year and said "I want to open a knitting store in Downtown El Dorado" I was not excited. Like many people, I think of knitting as a craft that my great-grandma would have done. It was not until after talking to her and hearing about the knitting ministry she had started in El Dorado and the social aspect to knitting; then I began to think about this project differently. I learned that the art of knitting was gaining popularity again and it is considered a very social activity. This has been a long year of planning for Laura, but she has finally has succeeded in opening a knitting shop in Downtown El Dorado. As we spent many hours working together, I promised her that I would be in her first beginner's knitting class.
Last month, as I joined the full class of beginner knitters, I began to get nervous about this commitment. To my horror, I found out that 2 of the 6 women did know how to knit and that this was going to be a refresher course. I have since decided that they broke the rules. Beginner knitting classes cannot accept non-beginners! To ease my anxiety, I sat next to two women who looked as clueless as I did. As Laura described what the first steps were and I looked around the room and saw that everyone except me understood this, I was trying to figure out how to escape. The other "beginners" quickly picked up the skills and before I knew it, their dish rags were taking shape. My sticks (which I found out are called knitting needles) had about 6 loops on them and it looked more like a messy knot than a stitch.
Luckily, the over-achievers left when the class was over and I was able to take advantage of some one-on-one training. Laura was so patient and truly a great teacher. I completed my first dish rag, which my son says looks like the Chief's arrowhead logo instead of a square, but it is now framed and hanging on my wall. I have since completed another dish rag (that actually is a square) and am now working on my first scarf. I am already making plans to take the next class which is called "Pearling". Laura advised me yesterday to take a little more time practicing before I jump to the next step. I think this is her nice way of stalling a challenged student who could win the title of most difficult student!
Be sure and stop by Sugar Bunny Blvd and sign up for Laura's classes. She truly is a great teacher and this is a fun new skill to learn.
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