Monday, January 16, 2012

Historic preservation, economic development partnership highlight Main Street training

Bringing two different philosophies  together under one development plan to better enhance and move forward work being done to revitalize
Main Street
communities across the state was the topic of a day-long seminar provided by
Kansas Main Street
during its winter quarterly training sessions held in El Dorado, January 12 and 13. Todd Barman, senior program officer for National Trust Main Street Center, was the presenter. 

The training session challenged current Main Street communities to not only embrace the role of economic development as a necessary part of future historical preservation and central business district development, but use of its basic tenets to move downtown projects and revitalization efforts forward to engage both entrepreneurs and developers was vital to continued success in this economy.

“We came away with the idea that the
National Main Street
four-point approach of design, organization, promotions, and economic restructuring are building blocks for the continued improvement of our downtown areas, but need to be addressed from an economic development point of view” said Lindsay Baines, Director of El Dorado Main Street. “At the same time, we were challenged to look at our programs and projects with an eye toward heritage and human assets, much the same way as a developer would. It was refreshing and a bit daunting at the same time.”

In asset-based economic development, heritage assets include a community’s built history (design) and its cultural history (promotions). The human assets encompass cultivating and recruiting entrepreneurs (economic restructuring) and engaging the general public (organization) in the events and projects in the central business district.

Having a downtown development plan picks up where the economic development philosophy leaves off. According to Barman, the successful private, for-profit commercial developers attract investors and tenants by helping them see a vision of themselves making money as part of a successful place, namely
Main Street
Kansas Main Street
communities would then, in essence, become successful non-profit developers for their own districts.

The seminar also provided development process exercises to help local
Main Street
leaders itemize the downtown heritage and human assets, summarize their programs’ market research efforts, help build credibility and trust within their communities, and determine how they are inspiring action among building owners, store owners, volunteers, entrepreneurs, and shoppers.

 The second day of training focused on the delivery of
Kansas Main Street
products and services that program directors felt they need for professional development and what they in turn could use to continue expansion of a sustainable and successful
Main Street
program. The retreat format gave all directors the opportunity to voice specific products and services they could use to keep them fresh and motivated to grow their programs.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Excuse Our Mess!

I could not help but notice as I drove down Central towards Main Street all of the construction workers on the South side of the street busily in and out of the buildings.  Not only do we have major construction happening in the Ellet Opera House (HOPE VI Main Street grant award winner), but also Robin's is having new flooring put in and some construction completed as well. 

The metal facade' has been taken off of the front of the building and exposing the
beautiful, original transom windows.  For those excited about preserving historic buildings, this is very exciting!

Here is a reminder of what the building looked like with the metal facade'
covering the transom windows

See that man up there in the middle?  They are working on the roof of the
building.  Before all of the work started, you could see the sky from
inside...and there were a couple hundred feathered friends who made this space their home.

Entrance to upper story a couple months
ago.  Wish it was a wider pic.

Entrance now with exposed transom windows


A little further West on Central is the construction happening in the empty lot.  If you have not noticed, those guys are moving fast!  With a goal of being completed by April...they are not wasting time.
 This picture on the left is a couple weeks old, it has changed quite a bit since this was taken.  I will get some more on here soon.

This picture is of the vault that will be in the building for KS Secured Title.  They have records that date back to 1868!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Businesses and Partners Recognized at EMS Annual Meeting

Main Street
Champion - The person or business who stands as investing in downtown El Dorado.
1.      With dedication to preserving downtown's deteriorating buildings and increasing upper story housing, the City of El Dorado is presented this award for their partnership with building owners and EMS which resulted in the HOPE VI Grant and making El Dorado Main Street shine a little brighter.

2.      For the partnership which will result in new construction on a
vacant lot creating a three story building which will provide upper story
housing, Kansas Secured Title and McCollom Construction make
Main Street


3.      The El Dorado Times - The El Dorado Times is being presented this award for their eagerness to always publicize downtown businesses, events,
and news, which helps
Main Street


Main Street
Honor - The person or business who stands out promoting
Main Street
the organization

1.      Through participating, promoting and organizing events to be held
downtown, Art of Life Chiropractic is a shining advocate for
El Dorado Main Street

2.      Joyce Parker, Owner of Sweet 120 not only volunteers for EMS, she actively participates
in, promotes, and was instrumental in kicking off First Friday's by rallying other downtown businesses to participate.  We think she is a star!

3.      YMCA cross promotes events and contributes through staff involvement in many EMS events.

Main Street
Entrepreneur - Person or business who stands out as exemplary entrepreneurship.

1.      Not only has the next recipient brought a new customer base to the downtown, doubled their inventory in the past year and were responsible for
the creation of four jobs, their name implies the shining contribution they
make to Main Street, Friendship Star Quilt Co.

Main Street
Excellence - The person or business who stands out in customer

1.      Little needs to be said when acknowledging the recipient of the
award for excellent customer service. Staff at Walter's Flowers & Interiors
always have a smile when offering to assist their customers and their person
touch and attention to detail makes them a shining example.

Main Street
Partner - The person or organization who stands out partnering with
El Dorado Main Street

1.      El Dorado Chamber of Commerce shines in their commitment to partnering with
El Dorado Main Street
by choosing to hold their events in the downtown thus stimulating activity in the district.

Main Street
President 2011

As the outgoing President of
El Dorado Main Street
we would like to present
this star to David Sundgren.  Thank you for helping us shine this year!