Such a great turn-out for the now El Dorado Main Street event, Trick-or-Treat Down the Street. Two months ago when EMS volunteers learned that this tradition may be ending in El Dorado, they stepped up and decided that we would take it on and continue it. In addition to this event, fall/winter months for our volunteers are already busy. With the Frontier Western Celebration wrapping up, three Christmas events in December, First Fridays every month, and an annual breakfast in November; we were concerned about the ability to add another event to plan. We quickly realized that this activitiy almost plans itself. Because so many businesses love this downtown event, they take all of the work off of us. The community has come to expect it as well and show up even though very little advertising was done for it.

We estimate that over 2,000 people attended the 2011 Trick or Treat Down the Street. One great contributing factor was the beautiful weather that we had. Families were able to take their time and stroll downtown and enjoy their surroundings while the children participated in games, contests, and received candy. El Dorado Main Street wants to thank all of the businesses who contributed to the event this year. Thank you for your patience with us as we learned how this event comes together. We have some great ideas for next year and we hope to make it an even better event!
El Dorado Main Street is dedicated to the success of the downtown businesses. We feel that this activity brings much exposure to the area. By bringing children and families into the downtown for various reasons, it will become an area that they will eventually find more reasons to visit/shop/dine. As a segment of our mission statement says, we strive to "...foster a center of activity for both business and recreation..." The El Dorado Main Street Board of Directors and volunteers feel that Trick or Treat Down the Street is very much in the scope of our mission.